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JACKSONVILLE FIRE & SMOKE ASTHMA ADVISORY! (and surrounding areas) 6/1/11

If you live in or around Jacksonville, you have probably smelled smoke from the neighboring forest fires today.  It is important to be mindful that smoke of any kind is an extremely powerful respiratory irritant. This is especially true for asthmatics. Unlike other forms of smoke that can be avoided, wildfire smoke can be nearly impossible to elude.  Smoke from wildfires may also contain tiny particles that can further irritate the airways and cause an asthma attack.  If you smell smoke, try to limit your time outdoors and remember to keep your home and car windows shut.

There is a very nice resource by the American Lung Society which offers useful tips for asthmatics living in the vicinity of active forest fires. If you or your child has asthma, we would strongly encourage you to visit the American Lung Society’s link below.

Forest Fires and Respiratory Health Fact Sheet (American Lung Society)