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6 Tips to Keep the Allergy and Asthma Grinch from Stealing Holiday Cheer

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6 Tips to Keep the Allergy and Asthma Grinch from Stealing Holiday Cheer


In Jacksonville and elsewhere, holiday gatherings are festive fun. But it’s not easy to be the life of the  party when you’re sniffling, sneezing and wheezing. From the host’s overpowering perfume to the nuts in the snack bowl, holiday parties can  be a challenge for people with allergies and asthma.

1. Prepare before you go: There’s almost no avoiding the dusty decorations, the furred pets, scented holiday candles, the potpourri or the perfume-doused reveler; any of these may cause increased nasal symptoms or an asthma flare. If you are allergic to cats or dogs, be sure to ask if the host’s home has pets ahead of time. Your best bet is to take your antihistamine before you go. Also, be sure to carry your rescue inhaler if you have asthma.

2.Be the designated driver: Toast your host with sparkling water. In addition to being more clear-headed and safer on the road, you’ll avoid a possible reaction to hidden food allergens if you have a food allergy. If you think you’ve had a reaction to food, it’s a good idea to see an allergist to determine the cause your misery.

3. Eat smart: Holiday goodies can be tempting, but often contain many common allergens including dairy, eggs, nuts, soy and wheat.  Ask your host if the munchies contain anything you’re allergic to. And if you suffer from severe food allergies, always carry your injectable epinephrine.

4. Steer clear of smoke: The cozy fire in the hearth may make your lungs wheeze since smoke is a common asthma trigger. Go mingle in another room.

5. Don’t let the greens make you blue: Christmas trees and other holiday greenery that deck the halls look pretty, but are associated with several possible allergens, such as mold found on the trunk or the terpene in the tree sap of a natural tree.  Artificial trees can be covered with house dust – a common allergen – after spending years in service. Be sure to thoroughly clean your tree outdoors before putting it up. Poinsettias, a member of the rubber tree family, are everywhere this time of year. Stay away if you have a latex allergy.

6. Go on the defense: You could exchange more than conversation during cocktail party banter. Flu germs are everywhere and the illness can worsen asthma. Play it safe by getting a seasonal flu shot.

All of us at Allergy & Asthma Specialists of North Florida wish a safe and happy holiday season for you and your family!

Article adapted from ACAAI.org and used with permission